Finally Have Work Life Balance on Your Cell Phones - For Entrepreneurs and Business Owners


Entrepreneurs and business owners everywhere struggle with the work to life balance when it comes to their cell phone. It can feel like you never really have downtime when a customer could call or text at any point. The convenience of using your cellphone can sometimes be too good to not pass up. You could always get a second cell phone, but that is just one more thing to keep track of. Hosted phone applications such as MaX UC now allow individuals to use a separate work phone number while still using their one cell phone.

Manage Your Work Communication in One App


MaX UC, the all in one app available for both iPhones or Androids, allows you to call or even text your clients from a separate app on your phone. This helps you manage work life separation by knowing which texts can wait and which ones are personal. If you also run a hosted phone system in your office, you still get all the features of your standard desk phone like hold, transfer, and merge calls that you’re use to in the office.

If you want to get the most out of your work life balance, you can opt out of notification for your app on your phone’s notification settings.

Separate Your Work from Personal Calls

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One of the best things for a work life balance is being able to know if your call can wait or if it’s a personal call. All calls still show up on your screen like a normal call but with an indication as to whether it is coming in through MaX UC or not.

All entrepreneurs have had that moment where a random number comes in and you think “what if it’s a potential customer?,” so you answer and it ends up being a robot calling about “your car’s extended warranty.”

Screen your calls and have a better idea of what calls might be a potential client and what might be spam because when it comes down to it, your downtime can sometimes be just as important as your working time.

Text Clients from the App

One of the main reasons entrepreneurs stray from using an alternate phone number is the fear of not being able to text. For on the road or work from home professionals, texting can sometimes be the preferred form of communication. MaX UC allows you to message clients in the form of SMS. Your client will still receive a text on their cell phone, but you will be able to separate personal from work texts.

Do Not Disturb Feature

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There is nothing worse than watching a movie with your family after a long day and then “Bing!” your phone goes off with a call or text from a client.

When you’re ready for your work day to end, you have the ability to silence your calls and messages by simply putting your phone in Do Not Disturb. Your personal calls and texts can still go through, but all of your work calls through MaX UX are now silenced until you turn the feature off.

All your calls will go straight to your voicemail allowing you to take care of business when you’re ready.

Keep Your Personal Number Safe

It is not uncommon for many employees to provide their personal number to clients and vendors. Many employees do not like being tethered to their desk phones especially when they are required to be mobile. While convenient, this then opens many doors for possible dangerous scenarios.

Nowadays, our cell number is linked to many accounts having almost the same importance as our social security number. With access to just those ten tiny digits, a person could have access to someone’s entire life history with enough internet sleuthing. By typing in your cell phone digits to any public record, a person then gains access to your name and birth date, current and past addresses, the property taxes you pay, past employment, and the names of members of your family. This information could go even further to help hackers figure out answers to security questions such as a mothers maiden name or the name of the street on which you grew up.

Get MaX UC with the Power of Hosted Today

Being an entrepreneur, business owner, or out of office professional can be hard. Separating work and life can be even harder. If you are ready to get the most out of your work life balance, MaX UC through Travis Voice & Data’s Hosted Phone plan is the right thing for you. Contact our office to see what deals we have for you today.


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