Video Conferencing Is Here to Stay


It was reported in 2021 that 62% of employees work remotely part time if not full time. This is a huge increase from previous years thanks to the Covid-19 shift. More and more companies are realizing the benefits and sustainability of a remote or hybrid work style. With this increase, we now see an increase in the use of video conferencing. As weird as this new shift may be to some, video conferencing is here to stay.

People have been meeting by video calls 50% more since 2020.

Meeting with team members or customers might now seem like its confined to tiny boxes on your screen, but video calls have become increasingly popular. Many employees now prefer it because of the benefits that come along with it. The average savings that come with remote work or teleconferencing is almost $6000.

Time saving has also been a huge factor that has impacted this shift. Employees save over 243 hours of driving by having the option to video conference. This also saves the company money by not having to reimburse for drive time and miles going to and from meeting with clients.

Not all video conferencing platforms are created equal.

Several popular platforms have been under fire for selling customer’s data. Thankfully, there are companies that provide safe and secure platforms meaning callers can have a sense of security back in their lives.

Vidyo, a product sold by Travis Voice & Data, makes hacking immensely harder by having the option to use a personal server. This differs from many video call platforms by keeping your information within your business rather than having to rely on a hosted cloud based server by another company. When somebody types a website address in their browser or uses a specific app, their device will connect to that company’s server. This is where Vidyo comes in, by having the server remain within the university or company who require video conferencing platforms, there is less risk of the server being compromised by having multiple users.

For those who are still wanting a cloud based solution, their servers are private and protected through private domains that are not public like several of their competitors.

Are you ready to upgrade to secure video conferencing?

If you are ready to have reliable and safe video conferencing, call our office today to get a free quote. Get local support, a reliable platform, and peace of mind from a company you know has your back.


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